Finishing school hairdresssing course in Wrexham

Finishing School

Create showstopping finishes & ace those pin curls

9.30am - 4.30pm
1-day course

This course is for you if you…

  • Are at any point in your career - all levels of experience are welcome!
  • Lack confidence with finishing styles to the highest level
  • Struggle to create volume and sleek, shiny finishes
  • Prefer a smaller group setting with 1-2-1 attention
  • Want to gain more followers on your socials with perfect pics of beautifully finished hair
  • Want to feel confident managing even the most difficult of hair
  • Want a higher rebooking and request rate

Only 4 places available on each course

YES, I'm Ready To Level Up!  
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Hair training course
Hair being straightened
Wrexham hairdressers on course

Learning Outcomes

  • Earn money faster by filling up white space with blowdry services
  • Showcase your technical ability by ensuring a perfect finish
  • Take amazing pictures for your socials to up your likes and following
  • Build your confidence by knowing that you’re providing a top-level service

Course Overview

Finishing school hair example
Finishing school hair example
Finishing school hair example

Our lead educator, Vicky, will be focussed on your progress for the full day and provide feedback, answering any questions you have as you go along. She will share with you her skills from her 20 years’ of experience in achieving amazing finishes that will keep your clients coming back for more.

On completion, students will be able to obtain professional insurance to perform the services taught on this course.

We keep all our class sizes small so our students get our best!

Book your place

9.30am - 4.30pm
1-day course

Only £299

Only 4 places available on each course

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Complete our online enquiry form

Available dates

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